I appear to have fallen into a writing slump. I usually have a bit of a NaNo hangover and vowed that this year I would counter it by deliberately taking December off from writing and getting back into a similar routine in January. Well, we’re at the beginning of February and I’ve written 800 words […]
Madame Arkadina
Acting Lesson from an all time Great
Today (20th January) marks the 30th anniversary of the death of Barbara Stanwyck. And I wanted to commemorate the occasion by sharing one of my all time favourite clips of her work – a tough call but it is a seriously beautiful, truthful and layered scene. Watch out for the eyes and for how she […]
The Bombshell who fought Bombs with her mind
Hedy Lamarr was an incredible woman. In fact she’s the reason I’m able to post this blog to my website and you’re able to read it. Yes, she was an inventor and responsible for wifi. She invented the concept of packet switching during the Second World War, although I believe it had a different name […]
What I Learnt From Watching 200 Movies in a Year
Every year I set myself a goal of joining in the 50 Film Challenge. But last year (2019, in case you’re reading this in the future) I upped the ante to 200! Yep, 365 days to watch 200 films. And it was a real challenge. This is what it taught me. 💎 It forced me […]
Joan Crawford Mug
I’m excited. I’ve made my very first actual physical product. And it’s out and about on the interwebz as we speak. Or rather as I type and as you read. Behold the awesome! It’s double sided and in Pink because it was Joan Crawford’s favourite colour. What do you think? Click the image, or this […]