Thanks for the #ff @JasminEgner and @NTBookshop and belated right back at ya! #
The Training Week in Brief (2011-09-11)
Anyone know of a hedgehog rescue in Norfolk? There's been a tiny one outside by bedroom squeaking for 12 hrs :'( Heart-wrenching sound. # Must. Learn. To. Follow. Instructions. #
The Training Week in Brief (2011-09-04)
"I hate anything faster than me." – My 84 year old Great-Aunt's response to me pointing out a butterfly nearby. # Save BBC Four from cut backs #
The Training Week in Brief (2011-08-28)
New #DoctorWho on tv. New books on shelf. Today has been a #goodday #contented # Thnx. Right back at ya RT @MelChurcher: #FF great tweeps: @Robbakerashton @clairegarvey1 @TanyaVital @Lenka… (cont) # RT @guardianfilm Ian McKellen: 'My ambition is to get better as an actor' # Just splurged on Amazon – 5 plays & […]
The Training Week in Brief (2011-08-14)
I think I may actually be in heaven: #acting #shakespeare #abouttoloseaweekend # Fab theatre tweeps: @JasminEgner @Actingnodrama @lutlucky @actingcoachmark @DFActing @MelChurcher #ff # Two clips from The Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe: (from Hamlet) & # The best night I ever had in a theatre was spent watching The Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe. […]