RT @TheatresTrust: Happy International Archives Day! We hold records on over 3800 UK theatres past and present #IAD15 http://t.co/9HvOyAu31y
"I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come." – Abraham Lincoln
RT @TheatresTrust: Happy International Archives Day! We hold records on over 3800 UK theatres past and present #IAD15 http://t.co/9HvOyAu31y
RT @TheaterHistory: Kan’ami, credited as one of the inventors of noh, died #otd 1384. Libretto for his “Eguchi”, c. 1605. Via @metmuseum http://t.co/qKzvXsWB33
German research has discovered that Art is good for the brain. But we all knew that already, right Want to read more about it? Then hop on over to this fab site -> bit.ly/1HURwgk
Medea: the mother of all roles http://t.co/fzDLUOMH via @guardian #
Always have something to go to or to do to after an audition. – http://t.co/FoaLiDxM #