Hi, welcome *waves* I’m so happy to see you here.
Here I keep details about the stories I’m currently working on, past projects and talk all things writing as well as sharing great stories I’ve found and tips I’ve learnt along the way.
Current Project
I’m in the process, about half way through actually, line edits before looking for beta readers to give me feedback on my first finished playscript. It’s temporarily titled ‘The Fall’ and is a female driven drama set in Ancient Rome.
Once I’ve had a few more eyes on it I’ll start submitting to theatres. Wanna see what it takes to get a play produced professionally, join me for the journey?
Future Projects
I’m about half way through writing my second play. Again it’s set in Ancient Rome, seemed a pity to waste all that research for The Fall only this time involves genuine historical figures (Agrippina the Younger and Messalina if you’re interested). I’ve written it using a completely different process to my first play, namely piecemeal and out of order, so there’s a hell of a lot of work to do to knock it into shape even when I do finish the first draft. #daunted
I also have several book ideas floating around my head and notebooks. Including a 1930s detective series, a fictional biography, a book of fairy tales and something I’ve nicknamed the kill trilogy.
I write about all of these things, as well as occasionally talk about what I’m reading, over on my writing blog. There may also be fangirling over Margaret Atwood. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
I’m planning on participating in NaNoWriMo again this year. I’m unsure what project as yet. Should I resurrect an old novel idea I fell in love with and worked on about 15 years ago? Or should I start a brand new horror play?