
For my journey, lessons, tips and work as a new writer.

The procrastination is real. But so is the plan. And I have a plan … what could go wrong? Here’s how my first attempt at a Reedsy weekly prompt went. Step 1: Choose a prompt I chose a prompt. My resolve coincided with a series of weekly prompts that were set in the decade of […]

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I appear to have fallen into a writing slump. I usually have a bit of a NaNo hangover and vowed that this year I would counter it by deliberately taking December off from writing and getting back into a similar routine in January. Well, we’re at the beginning of February and I’ve written 800 words […]

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November is over and so is NaNoWriMo – the month where people around the world scramble to write a 50,000 word novella in 30 days. So what are my thoughts now I’ve had 24 hours to reflect on the event, and sleep. A lot. 😉NaNoWriMo 2019 has been the most successful NaNo I’ve participated in. […]

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Hi folks, It’s time to introduce my little work to the world and you’re the first to meet it The following in an adaptation (by me) of the Work-In-Progress tag circulating among YouTube’s writing community. I don’t know who started it but if you do, please let me know in the comments so I can […]

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I planned on relishing this read by lasting it out as long as possible. How did that go? Finished it in three days! *drat* I absolutely adored this. Although I should probably come clean and confess that I loved ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ from the moment I read it for my A Levels so I was […]

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