"Nobody tells an actor, ‘you’re playing a strong-minded man.’ We assume that men are strong-minded. A…" http://t.co/tOshRiWU # Dreams by Langston Hughes. – Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot… http://t.co/6UrhFOcy # Sam West talking about female masturbation. (And Shakespeare.) – faeriequeen: http://t.co/U3hpemjl #
The Training Week in Brief (2012-04-22)
Save the Internet from US spies! Tell @Microsoft @IBM and @Facebook to stop #CISPA take action @Avaaz #CongressTMI http://t.co/aqPgPaQI # Do any of you lovelies know anything about dealing with diabetes in cats, please? Or know someone who does? I'm need some success stories. #
The Training Week in Brief (2012-04-15)
Photo: http://t.co/fz1r1bQj # "Comedy is learned; you get better as you go along. Men who emerge as professional comedians grow up…" http://t.co/XxgZIhpG # Photo: http://t.co/97HU6g7L # "Storytelling is simply one of the things that make us human beings. And storytelling exists in almost…" http://t.co/4PvpJoAd #
The Training Week in Brief (2012-04-08)
Listening to 'The Voysey Inheritance' on @BBCRadio4 # 15 pages in to #ScriptFrenzy & a discovery has been made: I think in 5 Acts. Product of a youth misspent w/ Shakespeare. Am v old school # Is anybody doing #ScriptFrenzy this year? # I've signed @38_degrees petition to stop the government's new plan to spy […]
The Training Week in Brief (2012-04-01)
Photo: needlesslydefiantwithtea: http://t.co/WfhfOEs0 #