
Last night, dreamt I got cast by the National. I was awful, made every mistake possible & was loathed. #SignINeedToWorkHarder # Photo: arthistorycq: # £8 fabric. £18 p&p! 2 mths waiting. £13 Customs & Handling fee. Opened. Wrong fabric! #GrindsTeeth Sign I shouldn't be sewing? # Hello new followers *waves* Good to see you. […]

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TY Back at ya! RT @DFActing: Various arts related, engagingly interactive tweeters: @luimbrogno @MadameArkadina @GrahamInman @KeithDEdin #ff # "There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it…" # And another one: Stop Internet #Censorship Sign the urgent global petition @Avaaz urging EU Parliament […]

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Tell @Jeremy_Hunt to end the #Murdoch #BBC robbery! Click here to join: # "Anything involved in telling stories is not just worthy, it’s crucial. Otherwise, how the hell do we…" # RT @fairy_aware: in art & music we make ripples into the fabric of time and embrace humanity 4 those that give so […]

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Support Stop SOPA 11/16/11, add a #twibbon now! – – Create one here – # Stop Internet #Censorship Sign the @Avaaz petition urging Congress to reject #SOPA #PIPA bills #FactswithoutWikipedia # Where to find film work | Raindance via @Raindance # RT @Out_of_Joint: (the said Beckett short starring Harold Pinter) RT […]

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