General Over a picture of an eye with text at the bottom saying 2022: A Retrospective of life under a king

This has been such a momentous year. Three prime ministers (!), the loss of the Queen and arrival of a king (seriously, I can’t get used to the idea of a King: A Queen seemed right for the times; a king seems archaic, I don’t know why*) and a war in Europe. The world has clearly lost its marbles.

On a personal level, I’ve done big, scary things in my work; nearly moved … then didn’t; caught covid and struggled to regain my equilibrium after. Truth be told, I still am. So let’s get dosh to the nitty gritty: just how did I measure up to my own goals?

WritingGoal: get feedback on The Fall

I went one step beyond that … I submitted to The Bruntwood Prize. I mean I was rejected but still… I submitted to an actual, bona fide competition.

I also wrote ‘Flamed’ a short solo piece that had been niggling away at they back of my brain for about seven years.

Acting – Goal: Create Snapchat stories (sporadic, on the fly)

Well, I hit it out of the park with on the fly — I didn’t plan a thing on the platform all year. And you could say I did the same with sporadic — if rarely posting at all fits the category. I’m not quite sure how I managed so little as I’m on the app every day. Still, after all these years *cue nostalgia*. But all in all, it was a disappointing year for posting.


Watch 100 movies

I made it. Although only just. The last couple of weeks included several silent shorts (Thanks to ‘Trailblazers’, sadly no longer, on Netflix).

Read 20 books

I smashed that goal. By half way through the year! Super, mega proud of this. Although a fair whack of it is down to Audible’s Plus catalogue having so many awesome titles I want to hear. Would definitely not be that high if I’d had to purchase each book separately.


Woah, they were lofty goals all stretching my limitations.

And no, I didn’t accomplish them all. I didn’t set up my e-commerce website, turn 52 Films into a double feature thing, create an app or expand my outlet.

I did expand my product line (hello👋 candles, stickers and pins/badges) though and I grew my following and email list too, both by the hundreds.

Great Things from Last Year

I participated in a Bundle (Lizzy’s Christmas Party). It’s been phenomenal: Lizzy’s generosity and presence, the community support and connections, the amazing people who wanted my thing. Everything about it was a blessing. Thank you, Lizzy.

So that was my year. I accomplished far less than I would have liked, but given the struggles I’m happy with it.

How was your year? What was the great thing you did in 2022?

*Although as a child I thought the monarch of the uk had to be Queen and could not understand why Princess Anne wasn’t next in line.

When taking the leap doesn’t lead to flying. In June I took, what felt like, the biggest leap of my fledgling playwrighting life: I entered The Bruntwood Prize. It’s the largest playwrighting competition in the UK and, gloriously, it’s anonymous. I made the decision late. I’d spent a number of hours haunting the website back […]

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In a year filled (by pre-pandemic standards) with obstacles, fear and trials, the entertainment industry has been there to save us. And there were quite a few things I’ve seen this year! They weren’t necessarily made this year] In TV: The Masked Dancer. If you’ve read my little review of 2020 entertainment, you’ll know I […]

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So with my review of 2021 in mind, what are my goals for 2022? Well I’m paring back. I’m going to focus on my biz, which is my movie related Silver Screen Sass Squad, and anything that happens on the writing/acting side is gravy. I’d still like to get feedback on The Fall. And, if […]

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Well, this year has been … interesting in terms of hitting those goals. I didn’t manage most of them. A few other unplanned, fun things arose and I followed them. But before I get in to that, let’s catch up on the planned element. Writing Goals The Plan: Edit THTK, Feedback on Fall, Submit Fall. […]

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