I seem to have lost my confidence again. I’ll sit down to blog and instantly think it’s too silly, too revealing, too inappropriate or too anything else to be worth posting. Or else, as Joyce Grenfell once said of drying on stage, I go blank and all I can think of is “my own rear […]
My life according to the Movies
Originally this little meme was designed for books, I found it on The Bookworms Hideout and thought I’d have a go, only adapting it for my movies challenge. Here’s how it works: using only movies you have seen last year (2009), answer these questions, trying not to repeat a title. Describe yourself: Bedazzled How […]
Hiatus for a Revamp.
New design. New site. Thanks to that pesky hacker So I’m taking a break from tweeting etc while I re-vamp the place. I’m still working on the training. Just on the quiet
The Training Week in Brief for 2010-05-02
Watching the South Bank Show Revisisted on Sondheim. I'm really goning to miss this programme #