RT @GreatestActor: Richard Jordan says why he thinks you should vote for the versatile @IanMcKellen118 in our poll: http://bit.ly/cIjVEz # I miss the days when I could see a show every other day #
The Training Week in Brief (2010-11-14)
And for my 1000th tweet, a #ff @dfacting @GreatestActor @dramagirl @dramaticmisty @areyouathespian @bardfilm @TheShakesForum & @JJeyam # Another great article. I love this series ♥ RT @GreatestActor: New blog post: Vanessa Redgrave: 'a very fine actor' http://bit.ly/8ZQWZG # Cecily Berry to Fiona Shaw on playing Shakespeare: "Just walk on the commas". # My tweet-count has […]
The Training Week in Brief (2010-11-07)
A #ff The lovely & talented @jjeyam # Love this article RT @GreatestActor Ian Herbert makes the case for Maggie Smith as the Greatest Stage Actor http://bit.ly/8Xxi9r # #tweetyour16yearoldself Leave college & go back 2 work. Being yourself & happy is more important than grades. You were on the right track. # Support I Value […]
The Training Week in Brief (2010-10-31)
Beautiful ♥ RT @Dramagirl I watch this from time to time, just because … Patsy Rodenburg Why I Do Theatre. http://youtu.be/L9jjhGq8pMM # Watching 'Whale Rider'. Know I'm a bit late on this but Keisha Castle-Hughes really is impressive. # Now this list is going to keep be busy for some time: http://bit.ly/dyaZVH (30 WS Blogs) […]
The Training Week in Brief (2010-10-24)
My Twitter value is $25.22, according to http://www.twalue.com … What about yours? #twalue # Fascinating. RT @DailyActor: Sir Patrick Stewart's vocal tips – no dairy and no phone calls! http://su.pr/2uH7q6 # Ooh new followers. Hello folks and thanks. # Actors: Do you think it's possible to learn *almost* everything you need just by working on […]