Firstly, does anyone else keep mistyping 2020 as 2029? No? Okay, just me then. Crashing on …
Well, that was … erm … yes … uh … a year. So, let’s have a look at what poor, naive me had planned to kick off the decade and see how it all actually panned out.
Writing Goals
Edit play – semi tick. I managed to edit some of the play but not the whole thing as I had intended. I have made a little progress but I’m not sure whether I can classify that as a win or a fail.
Submitted Play – tick. Got that crossed off my list by the end of January. My first professional submission and it was terrifying. The resulting rejection was much less of an ordeal.
Work on novel – tick. I’ve been doing that, with significantly more consistency than my other writing. And yes, I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made on this goal. Even with the bumpy road of 2020 getting in the way a fair bit.
Write second short story – no. Not a bit. Didn’t even try this one.
Enter reedsy prompt contest – no. I’ve attempted to incorporate the occasionally prompt in my work but as a stand alone piece, that’s another fail.
Finish singing course – no. Sadly no. Circumstances hit me on this one so it’s on the back burner.
Increase consistency – yes. I did actually manage this. In October I started a daily series on Snapchat and I’ve managed to keep it up almost every day for 66 little micro episodes of my Supernatural Mystery. I’ve just finished that one now, just got to think up my next little creation.
This Site
Blog Consistently – I blogged every month. 20 posts in total, not including this one. I’m pretty happy about that, as it’s the longest I’ve ever managed.
100 Movies – yes. Over 100 and much less stress than the 200 goal I set myself last year.
15 books – yes 17. I was secretly hoping for many more but, hey-ho.
Sketching every day – This is a yes and a no. I kept it up until July and then it kind of fell away. I’m not too sure how it happened or why I let it. But there it is.
Guitar, play one tune by December – Yes, I did it! In fact I can manage, albeit slowly a few! I can also tune it, which whilst it may sound trivial to most is a huge accomplishment for me.
Stretch goals
Set up a site for my shop – Continued running and growing my Etsy, but didn’t set up a dedicated site. I did set up on Redbubble though.
Start a podcast – Nope. With hindsight I don’t think it was ever even realistic. I don’t have the confidence to talk as myself, give me a script and a character and it’s a different story but as just plain old me — no deal.
All in all, the year could have been a lot worse end I think that’s the ultimate lesson of 2020 for me: to be thankful for what is.
Have you reflected on your goals from this time last year? How did they go?