
I think I may actually be in heaven: #acting #shakespeare #abouttoloseaweekend # Fab theatre tweeps: @JasminEgner @Actingnodrama @lutlucky @actingcoachmark @DFActing @MelChurcher #ff # Two clips from The Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe: (from Hamlet) & # The best night I ever had in a theatre was spent watching The Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe. […]

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Thank you RT @Actingnodrama: More amazing #FF #039;s @arielromeodavis @lisa_rodenis @l_harris_stock @madamearkadina # A big "Hi" to my new followers. Great to meet you, do get it touch # #ff @DFActing @JasminEgner @Actingnodrama @stagetrailers @MelChurcher # RT @actingcoachmark "The script, the moment and your partner, that's acting, that's all it is." – and there's very […]

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