- Beautiful ♥ RT @Dramagirl I watch this from time to time, just because … Patsy Rodenburg Why I Do Theatre. http://youtu.be/L9jjhGq8pMM #
- Watching 'Whale Rider'. Know I'm a bit late on this but Keisha Castle-Hughes really is impressive. #
- Now this list is going to keep be busy for some time: http://bit.ly/dyaZVH (30 WS Blogs) Congrats @bardfilm & @ShakespeareGeek
#bardalert #
- RT @GreatestActor: Bill Kenwright on Judi Dench: http://bit.ly/bQdE0c "Grace and demeanour [with] the nous of an end-of-the-pier comedienne" #
- Hi and thanks to my new followers *waves* #
- RT @actingcoachmark: This is my latest acting blog: Tactics are Everything http://bit.ly/dBwhwd #
- Government has plans to sell UK's ancient forests! Sign the petition to Save our Forests http://bit.ly/8Y41by #38degrees #savebritforests #
- LIstening to @BBCRadio4 Playing the Dane again. http://bbc.in/dfgdOq Loving it more second time round. All those great actors *smile* #
- Dreamt last night I was in a Poirot but no one had told me it wasn't reality. Then Michael Gambon 'died' on me & I freaked out. #odddreams #
- #twithelp Have you successfully raised Leaf Insects (Phyllium sp.) on Eucalyptus? or anything other than Bramble? #