💎 Writing Edit my mystery thriller play. The one I wrote for NaNoWriMo. All I’ve done thus far is a re-read. And it’s a total mess. I want the two acts to line up but right now they’re at odds; I’m not sure I’ve set up the killer sufficiently so that needs fixing. As does […]
Madame Arkadina
Smells Like Teen Spirit
AKA Five things I loved in this decade It’s a new year and a new decade – the 20s again! In my head I’m doing the conga 😉 Anyway, in the spirit of positivity I want to go into this big new phase remembering all my favourite bits of entertainment from the 2010s. These weren’t […]
Review 2019
2019 has been … a year. It’s not been great, for a lot of us. But amidst the chaos I have achieved a few things. 💎 Returned to acting & resurrecting this site. Sort of. I’m recording poetry readings again, for instance Edna St Vincent Millay’s Time Does Not Bring Relief. I’m still not in […]
A Rumour, an Icon and a Mug
Marlene Dietrich was, I think, the classic movie star whose work lead me down the glorious Golden Age of Hollywood rabbit hole. She was my gate-way drug, you could say. There was a big season of her films on tv when I was young and I couldn’t get enough of them. I seem to recall […]
Lessons from NaNoWriMo
November is over and so is NaNoWriMo – the month where people around the world scramble to write a 50,000 word novella in 30 days. So what are my thoughts now I’ve had 24 hours to reflect on the event, and sleep. A lot. 😉NaNoWriMo 2019 has been the most successful NaNo I’ve participated in. […]